Last Satday I went to Tokyo Decadance is monthly event at J-POP Cafe, Shibuya. First, I went to Decadance Bar in Shinjuku had the organizer Adrien's B-day party before Decadance. I went there around 9pm after I've make up myself, there were already full of people and having fun. (I've heard that this party beginning at 8pm-11pm)

It had the theme '
Vacances' means vacation in French for this time Tokyo Decadance, but it harassed me following the last one. It because I would not like to dress up as beach style with bikini-swimwear and tropical colors, and I always use paradox or humor when I make image and design for dress, may you know, then I got the one 'life saver' won't rescue anyone. It sounds nice, isn't it? But sadly I don't have much time to make and prepare all for this image till this day, I had to change for the other one. (Actually, I would not like to say 'I don't have time!' when I do/ did anything and anywhere, but I don't have any reasons so let me say like this.)
Finally, I've got a funny image when I saw a flier again and again. It is '
watermelon' is the most popular fruite when you can find and eat in summer same as the pineapple that Porco did his face as it on the flier. So you can see green peel and black vertical stripes and little seeds on my face, and red hair as the fresh pulp of a watermelon on my head. Then I've mixed and remaked anything I can use in my room like skirt, bras, net-tights and accessories to make own vacances style for Tokyo Decadance.
Happily, some of my friends I met could found I dressed up with watermelon motifs after little thinking. It made me big smile and I thought this dress was well worth to do. How do you think? I'd like to arranged little bit more to
closer to the image of the summer...but I like it anyway ;)

DJ Takuya Angel

☆ Joyeux Anniversaire Adrien☆

♥ ♥
Marine and Géra are my dear friends, and they suggested to come Tokyo Decadance with them about 2years ago. And that means it's already passed over 2years
since I have been this event! Can you believe that I've been there OVER 2YEARS!!
Wow...I'd like to keep joying more and improve my skills about designing
with my love event Tokyo Decadance.

We could enter after dress code check, (I could get dress code discount yeah!) I could see a few people on the floor. That why it was about only 30mins passed 12am, most of people come after the last train usual, and there are two big dance floor at J-POP Cafe so I cannot find and meet every one at there each time.

DJ Baboooo (Twist Edge)

840-Hasshin and Kazuho
They all the time took and show great pics for us!
J-POP Cafe has the nice powder room so we can adjust own makeup again,
and of cause we could talk easily and take pics each other ;)


DJ RinaNeko

(NewDimensin/Grasshopper Rec.)

lots people in the dance floor was HOT to see pole dace show!


I was really happy for you seemed have a great day.
Hope you all have a HOT summer ;)
Tokyo Decadance Special Vacance before-party @Decadance Bar
Tokyo Decadance Special Vacance @J-POP CAFE (July23. Sat .2011)