1/29(土) '4 the love' presents Rick Wilhite @trigram

'4 the love' presents Rick Wilhite (Detroit)

2011.1/29.Sat.   Open: 23:00

trigram 南青山
〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山4-18-10 B1F
TEL: 03-3479-2530

Door: \3000 + 1Drink
Flyer: \2500 + 1Drink

*Rick Wilhite (Detroit)
*Billion Dollar Boys Club (4 the love)
*Kenta (Time & Space)

*Ken Hidaka (hangouter / Wax Poetics Japan)
*musiqconcierge (dB UKi /casablanca)
*Dave Clark III (UCC)

PHOTOGRAPHER: Niiyan the smile shooter

For all party people, It's been a long time between drinks, but '4 the love' is back!!!
This is the first time in 2011, we have the event invite the DJ Rick Wilhite from Detroit, the U.S. at trigram 南青山(Minami, Aoyama). Hope you have a good time with good place, good friends, good music, and you all enjoy the New Year,
2011 with 4 the love!

We cannot waite to join with you, so don't miss it!

4 the love


Porco Night 2010 To 2011

Porco Night vol.7

Jan22.Sat.2011 23:00~4:00

Decadance Bar (Christon Cafe内)

visitor: 2000yen, with flyer or point card: 1500yen, Vip: 1000yen
(all charge with 1drink)

■Decadance Bar (Christon Cafe 新宿 内)
〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿5-17-13 オリエンタルウェーブ8・9F
Tel: 03-5287-2426

Tokyo Decadance myspace: http://www.myspace.com/tokyodecadance
Decadance Bar Blog: http://ameblo.jp/decadancebar/
mixi: http://mixi.jp/view_event.pl?id=56625984&comm_id=767433
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163631786987477&ref=ts